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Life’s a Fiesta! (Week 96)

Well, another week and another transfer have come to an end. It’s always crazy to see how fast time flies. This transfer definitely ended with a bang though. We’ve traversed hill, valley, and dale running back and forth from meetings, visiting members, dance practices, the doctor, and various exchanges throughout the week. Needless to say, it’s been busy, but we’ve been having a blast.

So this past Saturday, we had a big mission wide event that earned the name of “Fiesta”. Basically, everyone got together, had a big party, and was able to learn little bit about South American cultures and Family History along the way. The events were broken up into different countries including, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, and few others. I got roped into performing with team Brazil and let me tell you, it was a blast. We had a couple different showcases including, soccer, capoeira, and some Brazilian jujitsu. The soccer was a questionable, but the other two were right up my alley. Overall, we had like 300 plus people come and all have a great time, so I’d call it a success.

As far as missionary miracles go this week, we’ve been able to see plenty, but one cool one that happened was this past Friday as I was on splits with a bean-chan missionary in our zone. That night, we were able to get out and do some kubari (handing out English class fliers) at Hachioji station. Usually when we kubari, we are split up a bit so we can hand out more fliers and talk to more people. We were both able to talk to lots of people and make some great contacts. Fast forward to Sunday, and Elder Gill and I are sitting at church when a member informs us that a guy just showed up to church who received a missionary flier. So we go talk to him and it turns out that he met that young missionary I went on splits with and decided to come to church. We taught him about who God is, our relationship to Him, and how to pray. He was way interested in learning more and we will be meeting with him again this Wednesday. Even with limited Japanese, that young Elder was able to work through the spirit and invite our new friend to church. God most definitely qualifies those he calls.

It’s been a good week. We got transfer calls today and I’ll be staying in Hachioji. Unfortunately Elder Gill will be transferring but my new comp will be the great Elder Matsunaga. Our zone is about to get a lot bigger so there’s gonna be new responsibility and a lot of work to be done. I’m excited to serve the Lord as a missionary for one more Transfer here in Hachioji. It’s gonna be a blast

- Elder Sadler


Throwback to Kunitachi

Throwback to Kohoku

Throwback to a year ago in Yokosuka


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