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Showing posts from September, 2016

District 5B

District 5B Front (L-R):  Epling Shimai, Lockett Shimai, Snow Shimai, Bills Shimai Back (L-R):  Davis Choro, Crippen Choro, Chab Choro, Jones Choro, Cuff Choro, Sadler Choro [Note:  Shimai = Sister, Choro = Elder] Roommates       Jones, Davis, Crippen, Sadler, Chab, Cuff     Rainy Day at MTC All Smiles Loving this Weather! Jones, Sadler, and Chab Thanks to Elder Chab for sharing several of these pictures!

MTC Week 2

Hey every one! Well, where do I start? Week two in the MTC was something else. Last week, we found out that our "investigator" was not really an investigator, and on top of that she is actually one of our teachers now. Not sure how I felt about that. Kind of heartbreaking but also kind of a relief. On Sunday we had one of the most spiritual sacrament meetings I have ever been a part of. We put a lot of time toward musical talents here. Our, what we call "dai-senpai" (the set of missionaries who leave the MTC in a week), sang a song called "I'll find you my friend". Me and many others were in tears the entire time. It amazes me, the amount of love you can grow for people in just a couple weeks. We are all going to miss the dai-senapai but the main reason we were crying is because of how strong the spirit was. It was truly amazing. After we sang a few more songs, our zone leader, Huber Chōrō, shared some words with me and a couple others about the joy w

Bessemer Stake Band of Brothers

Missionaries in the MTC from the Bessemer Stake (pictured left to right): Elder Daniel Phillips (Hoover) - Phillipines Elder Andrew Calvin (Northport) - Long Beach, CA (Spanish Speaking) Elder Dylan Sadler (Columbiana) - Japan Elder Isaac Robison (Alabaster) - Brazil Also in the MTC, but not pictured: Sister Chasity Lavatai (Northport) - San Jose, CA (Samoan Speaking)     Thank you to Kristi Phillips for forwarding this photo!

MTC Week 1

Wednesday September 21, 2016 My p-day in the MTC is every Wednesday so expect emails then. I can read emails any day but I can only reply on p-day. I will admit, the first week of The MTC was really really tough. It was incredibly frustrating trying to learn the language, and trying to adapt to my new, very scheduled lifestyle. Since Sunday, I've been able to settle in a little more though and come to terms with having to be patient with myself as I learn the language and further learn the Gospel. On our second day in the MTC, we received our first investigator, Ohira san, who we have been teaching in Japanese! The first lesson was a total bomb shell, but as we have learned to stop trying to rely on ourselves and our own teaching skill, and start relying on the Spirit to teach, we have seen much success in just these few days. My companion is Jones Chōrō. We are not very much alike at all, but we work well together and generally keep each other in balance. Chab Chōrō is our dis

First Email From the MTC

Thursday September 15, 2016 Hey mom and dad! They let us send out an early email today. Our p-day will be every Wednesday , so expect emails then. First day was rough. There's a lot going on and a its a lot to process, but I hope that I can get in the rhythm of thing quickly. Japanese is going to be tough, but I know that as I exercise my faith and stay obedient, the Lord will help me to learn. I love you! [Note:  p-day is preparation day.  It is the one day a week that missionaries get to do laundry, email family and friends, run errands, etc.]

Entering the MTC

We flew out to Salt Lake after Dylan was set apart and spent a few days seeing some church sites.  On Wednesday September 14, 2016 Dylan entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah to begin his service as a missionary.  Elder Sadler will be in the MTC until November 14th and will be doing intense study of the scriptures and the Japanese language and alphabets (yes, alphabet s , plural - there are two of them).  He will be learning how to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and he will learn a little about Japanese culture.

Set Apart

On Saturday September 10th, 2016 Dylan was set apart as a full time missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by our stake president, Peter M. Johnson.  There were a lot of family members there and it was an exciting and emotional day.  

Called to Serve

On Tuesday July 19th, Dylan opened his mission call.  "You are hereby called to labor in the Japan Tokyo South Mission..." What???!!!  Cool!!! Video of Dylan opening his call: There are 7 missions in Japan.  The Tokyo South Mission is the small blue one on the map below.