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Sakura, Shakey’s, and Baseball💯🏆⛩ (Week 81)

What’s up my bbbbbbbbbooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’s!? Hope everyone had a great Easter! This past week has flown by but it’s been a blast! Can’t remember too much of what happened but I’ll try to hit the highlights!
Sakura dendo
This week, the Sakura (cherry blossoms) have been in full bloom, the weather has been beautiful, and the people are out and about. That is nothing but good news for missionaries. We have been able to talk to all kinds of people about the flowers and their families. An interesting thing about Sakura is that they only last about one, maybe two weeks out of the year. The rest of the year is spent in wait for the arrival of the next. I believe that this life is much like the Sakura season of our existence. We had an eternity of wait excitement leading up to this life and an eternity to look back on it after we are gone. So while we are here, we should enjoy the beauty of it. Life is too short to not enjoy!

Last Thursday we had MLC (missionary leadership council) in Kichijoji. It was my first opportunity to attend and it was awesome. Always a pleasure to be with President Warnick. Some great trainings were given and some great council/discussion took place. Some great things are happening in our mission and I’m excited for the road ahead. After MLC, Elder Harrison and I grabbed some dinner at Shakey’s (all you can eat pizza (which is very rare in this country)) with some good friends of mine, Elder Bradford and Elder Handly. Probably ate too much but had no regrets lol.

Yamato Stadium
We also had the opportunity to go on splits with the Hodogaya Elders this past week, Elder Yang and Elder Romero. Elder Harrison went with Elder Yang and I had the privilege of going with Elder Romero. That afternoon, we had plans to go to a nearby park, that is home to lots of Sakura and the Yamato city baseball stadium (which is home to a famous Japanese anime, so it’s a pretty big deal) to do some street contacting. As we walked into the park we noticed an old man and one younger guy standing right at the entrance so we did what any good missionaries would do and we said hello. Long story short, they take us over to the baseball stadium, we help them carry some boxes in, and then they invite us out into the field. While we were out there, we were able to talk a lot with the younger guy and build up a good relationship over a good game of toss with a football. He opened up to us a lot and hopefully we will be able to meet again with him soon. It was really awesome to be able to meet him and use our own personal talents to invite others to come into Christ.

This past week was way good. Learned a lot, saw some miracles, and got to celebrate the resurrection of the Savior Jesus Christ. Because of Him, we can over come, and because of Him, we will live again. That’s a blessing for which I will be forever indebted. Have a happy Easter and a great week! I love you and more importantly, God loves you!

Elder Sadler
Zones who perk together, work together!
More perking
More working

A quick game of ball at Yamato Stadium
Fruit basket from the best Ward ever!
The Sakura


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