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Happier Than a Tornado in a Trailer Park 🏘🌪👍 (Week 29)

Hello everyone! Hope everyone has had a great week this week! Also hope everyone enjoyed general conference! As for all of us here in Japan, we will be watching next week because of the language translation delay. You'd better believe we are all way excited though! As for this past week, not much to report. Just lots of finding and trying to meet with people. I'm sure people are tired of receiving calls and visits from us by now lol. Because we have had a bit of a difficult time finding people to teach recently (and the weather has been pretty terrible on top of that), we decided to work with the people we have already found. We have been calling people like crazy and knocking on more doors than a cop in Miami. Come rain, freeze, thunderstorm, or all three, you'd better believe we are biking through it and stopping by that potential investigators home! The best part is, we are having so much fun through it all! I don't think I've ever been so soaking wet and happy at the same time in my life! I'm sure all the other missionaries out there can attest to that. It's so difficult, but it's just the greatest experience one could ever ask for. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

In other news, biking in the freezing rain is great and all, but the forecast is predicting a beautiful week this week. Things are starting to warm up, the sun will be shining, and the Sakura have arrived! I am so excited to be out and a about this week. I will take some pictures this week and send them out next Monday. In Japan, it is a huge custom to go out with friends and family to view the Sakura during the spring season and enjoy the beauty of everything in God's wonderful creation. People will usually set up a picnic underneath a blooming Sakura tree and enjoy the time together. I would encourage everyone this week, especially as spring begins to arrive, to take some time to stop and see this beautiful world that has been created for us. Go on a walk, set up a picnic, anything to get away and take in the beauty of life and this wonderful world. I promise that as you take that time, you will see the beauty in everything. That beauty will be testimony enough that there is God above us and he loves us. He loves us so much that he created this beautiful world for us. He loves us so much that, he organized a perfect plan for us so that we can live with our families forever. He loves us so much that he sent his beloved son to die for our sins so that we may one day return to him. The least we can do is stop to enjoy the beauty of everything around us!

To everyone at home, I love ya and I miss ya, but it's a blast here in Japan! I only wish I could bring you all with me on this adventure of a lifetime. But, because email is all I got, I guess this will have to do lol. Keep being awesome! Life is waiting for you out there, go get it!

サドラー 長老

P.S. Sorry Mom, no pics this week. Next week I'll do better!🤞

District Meeting

And of course, a funny one👌
(Names from left to right:  Jensen姉妹, Ibañez姉妹, Beck姉妹,
Perez長老, Handley長老, Me😘, Gonzales長老)


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