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One and a half white guys (Week 28)

皆さんこんにちは! Hope everyone had another great week! This past week has been one full of pleasant surprises in Kunitachi. It all began as just your normal transfer week in the Japan Tokyo South Mission, but on Tuesday we received a call from the president informing us that Elder Winn will be transferring to the Hibarigaoka area and another missionary, Elder Mori (a nihonjin), will be coming to Kunitachi. And, my new companion is Elder Yara, from Okinawa. You know what that
means? Yep, I'm the only white guy in the entire district. Elder Handley is half white and half Japanese (hence the title of the email), but he is fluent in English and Japanese so our entire four
man apartment is nothing but Japanese. Talk about out of the kettle and into the fire! Oh well, I see it as an opportunity to really increase my skill and understanding in Japanese language and culture.
Needless to say, it will be difficult at times, but I am way excited! Elder Yara is a great companion as well. He is quite the talker and way fun! I am excited for this new transfer. It's crazy how fast time
is flying by.

As far as life and dendo go, things have been just as interesting. Recently the dendo has been tough and not many people will talk to us, but that hasn't got our hopes down! We have been able to talk to some interesting people for sure - constructions workers on the job, naked men who answer the door, and couples at the park. Never a dull moment! On top of the dendo being rough, Elder Yara had a little bit of bike accident last Saturday where his bike cleared the side railing and Elder Yara cleared the skin right off his face. It was not a pretty sight. Blood everywhere, busted bike, lots of scrapes, police men, and even an ambulance. It was quite the scene. Even through all that, Elder Yara and I have been keeping at it. Looking for those prepared people! In Japanese there is a saying that goes "諦めたらそこで試合終了だよ". It basically means, if you give up, that is where the game ends. As long as we keep going and endure to the end, we can not lose. There is no point of no return in life. We all make mistakes. We all fall short. But, nothing is too far gone, nothing is too lost that it can not be found or healed by our Savior, Jesus Christ. For that blessing, I am grateful beyond anything I could ever express.

Thank you to everyone out there who has made this Missionary experience possible for me. It has definitely been difficult, but the rewards are far greater. To those out there reading this who are
preparing to go on a mission, good luck! Don't waste a moment, it will go by faster than you think! Study and pray and get ready for the ride of a lifetime! For those out there already in the field, keep working hard! Keep pushing forward! Be the missionary that the Lord knows you can become! A special thanks to all my family as well! I miss you and I love you! Keeping on being awesome! 皆さん愛しています!

サドラー 長老

Always a party!

Burning ties at the 6 month mark

Modeling at the Eki while waiting for our companions

Game night

Kunitachi Ward

Fantastic 4

District Meeting

Always got to take a funny one!
The party goes on!


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