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Sweet Home Kunitachi (Week 22)

Sweet Home Kunitachi🇯🇵🐲

皆さんこんにちは! Hope everyone had a great week! This past week, basically everything I know changed. To start with, the new missionary schedule went into play for Tokyo South Mission this week. It is pretty fantastic. It allows missionaries to be a lot more flexible with their schedule so now we can study at less productive times of the day and dendo at the good times. Next, I'm now in a new area called Kunitachi with a new companion, Elder Duke. He is a Hawaii boy and pretty chill. A bit of a transition from Elder Dowdle, my previous companion. Anyway, I think our companionship will go far. As for Kunitachi, it's not quite the promised land of Fujisawa, but I think it has some potential. The place we live is a little rough, but it has a roof and keeps us from freezing so that's good. On top of that, I pretty much white-washed into Kunitachi (Note from Barry - white-wash is a missionary term that basically means starting over in an area). We only have 2 investigators and one is in China until the end of this month and the other will be leaving Japan in March for two years. So in other words, we have a lot of finding to do, which hasn't been fun recently because it has been freezing cold the past week. Today is the first day it hasn't been a snow storm since I've been in Kunitachi. And being a Alabama boy and my companion a Hawaii boy, we aren't exactly big fans of the cold.
Anyway, that's pretty much all to report this week.
Big shoutout to all my friends and family back home! Your love and support means everything to me. I'm am so grateful for this opportunity I have had to serve a mission. I have learned so much in the past several months and I am excited for the time I still have to learn. The mission is definitely the hardest thing I've done in my life, but definitely the most rewarding. I learn more about myself and
my Savior Jesus Christ everyday. What more could you ask for? I promise that the Savior's hand is in each and everyone's life. Through his atonement, not only can we correct those mistakes we make
everyday, but we can be made strong in everything we do. I know my Savior lives, because there is now way I could this alone. I feel his love and strength everyday. I promise that as you seek him out in your life, you will be able to feel that same influence in your own life.
To everyone reading this, I love you and your Savior loves you. Trust in him and keep being amazing. 愛しています!

サドラー 長老
Last Sunday in Fujisawa with our awesome friend Homare
Last p-day with Fujisawa district at Enoshima island.
First Day in Kunitachi
Elder Duke (my new companion) and Delicious Crepes
Food challenge we did today. 1.5 kg of rice and 1 kg of fried
chicken. If you eat it all in 30 minutes, it's free. If not, it's 20
bucks. Needless to say, we did not finish it all.
We didn't even get close...
After challenge picture with all of us dying.
Shokuji with Kunitachi ward bishop who is way awesome and fluent in English.


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